The opening of the 2018 World Family Meeting will take place on Tuesday 21 August 2018 and will involve the entire Irish Church. Each diocese will have an opening ceremony that will be held simultaneously with other dioceses around the island.
All pilgrims and families coming from other countries will be able to unite and participate in the events and celebrations that will take place around the island in the local dioceses.

The opening of the 2018 World Family Meeting will take place on Tuesday 21 August 2018 and will involve the entire Irish Church. Each diocese will have an opening ceremony that will be held simultaneously with other dioceses around the island. All pilgrims and families coming from other countries will be able to unite and participate in the events and celebrations that will take place around the island in the local dioceses.

REFLECTION ON CHAPTERS 1 TO 3 Chapter 1: “In the Light of the Word” With the entire Sacred Scripture beginning with the book of Genesis (Adam and Eve) until we reach the Apocalypse (Weddings of the wife and the Lamb) we take a look at the various biblical texts that speak of family and love as strength that helps to overcome all crisis and suffering. Chapter 2: “The Reality and Challenges of the Family” It analyses the current context and the situation of light and shadows that the family lives in our society and how it becomes necessary to humanize the family love, to overcome mainly the individualism that does so much damage to the reality of the families today. Chapter 3: “The gaze on Jesus: the vocation of the family” This short chapter summarizes the teaching of the Church on the Sacrament of Marriage and the Family. Pope Benedict XVI recalls the ever-present Gospel of the Family.

Chapter 4: “Love in Marriage” It shows all the greatness that love has as light or fire that keeps the family alive: service, patience, forgiveness, joy, trust, knowing to wait, dialogue, strength and in continuous growth. Chapter 5: “The love that becomes fruitful” Love always gives life. Therefore, conjugal love is not exhausted within the couple. It is the phrase that synthesizes this chapter of this valuable document for the pastoral family. Chapter 6: “Some Pastoral Perspectives” Without exhausting all the initiatives of the local churches, some pastoral challenges are mentioned: to continue to proclaim the ever-perennial Gospel of the family with a new missionary zeal, a renewed family pastoral care that reaches the hearts of the people and with a pastoral work that enlightens all the difficult and complex situations of the present families.

Chapter 7: “Strengthening the education of children” Parents always influence the moral development of their children, for better or worse. Therefore, it is most appropriate for them to accept this unavoidable function and to do so consciously, enthusiastically, reasonably, and appropriately. It is a mission that cannot be delegated and must be rescued. Chapter 8: “Accompanying, discerning and integrating fragility” Although the Church understands that any breach of the marriage bond goes against God’s will, it is also aware of the fragility of many of His children. This chapter guides us to have a look of love and an attitude of pastoral mercy with these complex situations in the married life. Chapter 9: “Conjugal and Family Spirituality” The spirituality of family love is made up of thousands of real and concrete gestures. In that variety of gifts and encounters that mature communion, God has his abode. That commitment associates both human and divine because it is full of the love of God. In short, marital spirituality is a spirituality of the bond inhabited by divine love. CONCLUSION: PRAYER TO THE HOLY FAMILY This is the prayer to the Holy Family with which the pope ends his exhortation Amoris laetitia on […]

Saturday, August 25, Festival of Families . It will include a concert style event in an atmosphere of joy, reflection and prayer. Families from all continents will share personal stories of faith. One of the most beautiful and meaningful events of the World Meeting of Families is the Festival of Families. This concert-like event will take place on a large estate in Dublin on the night of August 25, 2018. It is a celebration of family life around the world with music and dance shows as well as five families’ faith testimony chosen from different parts of the world.

Closing of the World Meeting of Families 2018 will be a mass that will bring together thousands of people from Ireland and the whole world. The World Meeting of Families concludes with a Solemn Eucharistic Celebration which will bring together people and families from all over the world in communion and thanksgiving. The Mass will mark the conclusion of the 2018 World Meeting of Families in Dublin and announce the name of the diocese chosen to be the next host of the event together with the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life. The main celebrant of the Final Mass will be Pope Francis, once he confirms his attendance at the World Meeting of Families 2018. The Holy Father has indicated his intention to come to Ireland for the Meeting, but this still has to be confirmed. The place of the Final Mass will be announced with the final confirmation of the Pope Francis’ attendance.